Methodology of Sam Sonntag, CMT

Make a Living Trading Emini Futures A Few Hours A Week
If you have ever wanted to learn to trade Emini futures now is your time.  Day trading futures offers a great way to make money nearly every day of the week.  Simply pull money from the market in just a few hours a day then go enjoy the rest of the day doing the things you love.

Learn to day-trade the futures markets with step by step instruction & hands-on support. Your futures trading education is supported in three ways.

1- TRAINING: One-on-One personal meetings.  You will learn the exact ins and outs of the S&P Mini futures market, Crude Oil, and other popular futures markets with 8 targeted strategies.  The strategies include specific rules to successfully trade these markets.  There variation comes in each individual student’s risk appetite.  Those who want to take more risk, may trade a broader range of signals, and those who want to exercise more caution, will trade with tighter parameters.  There are exact rules to follow and you will have a firm grasp on them in only a matter of weeks.

2- DAILY PRACTICE:  Our Futures Trading Tribe is hosted by a tested expert trader every trading day at a minimum from market open until a profitable trade is closed. This is a trading community that trades together, learns from each other, and holds each other accountable.  We support each other and the traders are able to ask any questions related to any trade, or discuss any related trade ideas.  The Trading Tribe is open for students to ask questions during any time an expert is in the room, or to discuss questions among themselves at all times.  Any questions asked that aren’t answered immediately, will be reviewed during the next trading day.

The ATMOSPHERE of our trading room is not just open to trading talk, and ideas related to the markets, although that is our main focus throughout the trading day.  Frequently the room becomes animated with extra curricular banter, as the group is not only trading together to help each other learn and grow, but we develop true long lasting friendships through working together as well.

Sample Live Trading Tribe Discussions and Trades.

Sample Live Trading Tribe Discussions and Trades.

TRADING PSYCHOLOGY & RISK MANAGEMENT. Discipline in trading your strategy is key to advancing your account.  Our strategies put immediate stops in place as you place your trade, and we teach a flawless method to keep you from overanalyzing your trade from the time you place it until it closes for or against you.  This alone, as simple as it is, is a major obstacle for many traders who allow their emotions to get the better of them and scare themselves out of good trades for a smaller win or move their stops and end up taking larger losses than they accounted for in their initial risk assessment on the trade.  Trading with our Trading Tribe will get you out of those poor habits that will destroy any gains you may be able to make.

GOAL DRIVEN RESULTS In these volatile markets, students aim to pick up 5-20 points per week.  In the current market most S&P Mini trades taken by the Tribe are in the 5 -10 point range per trade.  We may see three to five potential trades per day, or sometimes none at all.   The key is to grab profits and hold yourself above where you began the week.  Even taking a small 5 to 20 point gain per week consistently, has the power to transform a small account into a very large account by increasing your contracts traded as you increase your ability to handle larger margin.  This translates to $250-$1,000 increase per contract per week on the S&P Emini Futures.

ACT NOW. Get a consistent approach to pull money out of the futures markets each week. This approach is supported by the Trading Tribe community where we are all trading the same strategies and discuss trades as a group.  Trading futures made simple. You can do this, and Thinker Trading Group can help you, take a look at our Testimonials section to see how many people have been helped with these methodologies.


Thinker Trading Group was founded by Sam Sonntag, CMT.  Sam has recently retired, but has left his legacy and his strategies with the Thinker Trading Group that he founded.  We continue to operate using only Sam’s proven techniques and we will work with you one-on-one, and support you by giving you all the tools and live trading guidance to know you have what it takes to succeed.

“Thinker Trading Group has unveiled a myriad of techniques that allows me to trade the markets under any conditions. The depth of knowledge of my trainer in the markets and his ability to explain these concepts in a way that anyone can grasp is second to none.”


Our current head trainer has been trading for nearly 30 years.  Building on the success of our mentor, who has taught thousands of investing students from all over the world in live and online workshops and one-on-one settings, we continue to provide actionable trades every day. 

Our teaching is focused on customizing a consistent and repeatable trading plan for each of our students. Trading Psychology and Risk Management are mainstays in our teachings. 

We can quickly condense all the “trading noise” into a usable trading plan that results in more confidence, efficiency and consistency.

We have the unique ability to make complex trading topics easy to understand and we are known for our genuine care and concern for the investing students we teach. We will be trading alongside you in the Trading Tribe.   We have not only developed a reputation of providing fantastic instruction, we put our money where our mouth is every day with you.  

Having been founded by an expert in technical analysis, and a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) since 2009, we have straightforward techniques that provide our students the ability to make decisions quickly, and execute. 

” Thinker Trading Group’s trainers possess the rare skill of being able to simplify the complex…”



Trading and Tranining Methodologies of Sam’s  Sonntag, CMT.

We exclusively operate using only sam’s proven  training  and traning techniques. Including working with you one-on-one, and supporting by giving you all the tools and live trading guidance to know you have what it takes to succeed. 

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